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From: Mark Dixon
> I know from past threads that LOADALL is an intruction available
> on 80x86 CPU's with a protected mode that is undocumented by INTEL
> but was used by Microsoft in their VDISK program, amoung other
> places. I have rather fragmentary information suggesting that
> there is "another" LOADALL instruction on 80386+ chips, perhaps
> only a BIOS emulation (?) of the 286's LAOADALL.
Apparently, so my doc's tell me, the actual instruction is only present
on 286 processors, but that 386+ processors have similar functions that
allow it to achive the same thing. So it's just a matter of detecting
286/386 and using the appropriate routine....
Anyway, here's a few extracts from my doc's on loadall ;
Some uses for the Loadall instruction (just to get your mind going) :
- getting at all the memory in your machine at will, even if it is
addressed above 1 megabyte, from real mode.
- executing real-mode programs in ram above one megabyte.
- installing a second operating-system-like program, or command proces-
sor, or shell, in memory above 1 megabyte, and alternating between that
and DOS.
- installing most of the guts of custom TSR's, shells, and device-driv-
ers in ram above 1 megabyte (freeing up precious base memory), leaving
in low memory only the stubs to call the code upstairs.
- writing very large programs, which are "split", and have half the
program residing in the low-down 640K, and the other half up in
extended memory, and running in either real or protected mode.
- installing large protected-mode programs in extended memory, where
they will not conflict with, or crowd out DOS, and ping-ponging between
them and DOS.
- switching to protected mode.
- emulating real mode from protected mode (tough, and full of gotchas,
but still worth mentioning).
- this is really off-the-wall, but possible: building automata that use
Loadall to warp from state to state, sort of like a computer game of
Life, played in the twilight zone.
Okay, so what IS the Loadall instruction?
*** 0F 05 hex ***
So how does it work? Well, I've already told you the gist of it:
all CPU registers are loaded from a 51-word table of data that starts
at 80:0h (absolute 24-bit address 800h). This address is one thing
that cannot be changed or re-programmed. It's hard-wired into the chip,
and that's that. And that's unfortunate, because all versions of
anybody's DOS earlier than version 3.3 use that area for critical system
Loadall takes no operands, and is just a two-byte instruction. All
the "operands" for the instruction are obtained from the table at 80:0h.
Just put "db 0Fh, 05" in your code stream, and watch the fun. But you
had better get that table right before you do, or else... (crash).
Address Size CPU register
800 3 unused (?? I don't believe it.)
806 1 MSW (Machine Status Word)
808 7 unused (?? I don't believe it.)
816 1 TR (Task Register)
818 1 Flag Word
81A 1 IP (Instruction Pointer)
81C 1 LDT (Local Descriptor Table)
81E 1 DS (Data Segment, or DS Selector)
820 1 SS (Stack Segment, or SS Selector)
822 1 CS (Code Segment, or CS Selector)
824 1 ES (Extra Segment, or CS Selector)
826 1 DI (Destination Index)
828 1 SI (Source Index)
82A 1 BP (Base Pointer)
82C 1 SP (Stack Pointer)
82E 1 BX (Data Register BX)
830 1 DX (Data Register BX)
832 1 CX (Data Register BX)
834 1 AX (Data Register BX)
836 3 ES Descriptor Cache
83C 3 CS Descriptor Cache
842 3 SS Descriptor Cache
848 3 DS Descriptor Cache
84E 3 GDTR
(Global-Descriptor-Table Register)
854 3 LDTDC
(Local-Descriptor-Table Descriptor Cache)
85A 3 IDTR
(Interrupt-Descriptor-Table Register)
860 3 TSSDC
(Task-State-Segment Descriptor Cache)
total = 33h words == 102. bytes
So here's what a default Loadall table looks like. Note that
"new_Reg_Buf" doesn't label any data item that we really use; it's the
name of the whole table.
; LOADALL Register Load Table for new values to be loaded
; into registers by a Loadall.
new_Reg_Buf dw 3 dup (0) ; unused space
newMSW dw 0
newDead dw 7 dup (0) ; unused space
newTR dw 0
newFlagWord dw 0
newIP dw offset after_ldall ; * may chng
newLDT dw 0
newDS dw 0 ; *chng
newSS dw 0 ; *chng
newCS dw 0 ; *chng
newES dw 0 ; *chng
newDI dw 0
newSI dw 0
newBP dw 0
newSP dw 0 ; *chng
newBX dw 0
newDX dw 0
newCX dw 0
newAX dw 0
newESDC dw 0, 9300h, 0FFFFh ; *chng
newCSDC dw 0, 9300h, 0FFFFh ; *chng
newSSDC dw 0, 9300h, 0FFFFh ; *chng
newDSDC dw 0, 9300h, 0FFFFh ; *chng
newGDTR dw D8A0h, 0FF00h, 88h ; @ 0D8A:0 *n
newLDTDC dw 0, 0FF0Eh, 88h ; @ E000:0
newIDTR dw 0, 0FF00h, 0FFFFh ; @ 0000:0 *n
newTSSDC dw 4000h, 0FF0Eh, 800h ; @ E400:0
Those "*chng" comments mean that those items MUST be changed by the
running program before actually doing the Loadall. We cannot correctly
default them in the sources because the correct values can only be
determined at runtime.
The "*n" means that those values are not really in the default tables
in the sources: the running program uses the sgdt and sidt instructions
to get those values and then plugs them into those two entries. Just
letting you see what they will look like. You could have anything in the
original table there, because the running program will over-write those
items with correct values anyway.
The "@ 0D8A:0" comments are just noting the addresses in those items,
in a more readable form.
(the ultra-safe, long procedure)
1. Save the original machine state, so you have a state to return to.
This information can be saved in a Loadall table, which is the most
convenient form for later use.
2. Disable interrupts. Just in case. We want a clean copy of area 80.
3. Save the 102-byte (33h words) block of data located at 80:0h. Ver-
sions of DOS (both PC- and MS-) earlier than 3.3 use this area for
critical system code, and as of DOS 3.3, RamDrive.Sys, and Himem.Sys use
this area for their own Loadall tables.
4. Re-enable interrupts. Let the clock ticks, or whatever, through,
while we do the following step.
5. Set up the new Loadall table (new_reg_buf), which defines the new
state we want to warp to.
6. Disable Interrupts.
7. Copy the new Loadall table to 80:0h.
8. Execute a Loadall.
9. Do something or other with your new machine state. Read or write
extended memory, run code upstairs, or whatever.
10. Copy the "old" Loadall table, containing the saved machine state,
down to 80:0.
11. Do another Loadall (Un-Loadall.) This restores the original
machine state.
12. Copy the block of saved data back to 80:0h.
13. Re-enable interrupts.
Well, I hope that helps a bit. This is just a small bit out of some 45k
doc file I have on the subject. If you were really interested (though,
this is most of the important stuff here) I could netmail it bit by